
Job Search MEGA Toolkit

Original price was: $299.00.Current price is: $99.00.


Are you frustrated with your job search progress?

Are you ready to learn a new, powerful and effective way to job hunt?
Our new Job Search MEGA Collection is packed with instructions, tips and examples to help you get the job you want and deserve!

The Job Search MEGA Collection is a downloadable collection of 5 of our most popular eBooks, tools and a course, “Humanize Your Resume,” designed to teach you everything you need to know to get a great job in 2021!

Here’s what you’ll learn –

Focus your job search on the best positions for you

Learn how to brand yourself for the jobs you want

Use your Human-Voiced Resume to grab a hiring manager’s attention

Learn to write and send powerful Pain Letters directly to your hiring manager a/k/a possible future boss

Set yourself apart and land your dream job!



“Human Workplace’s ideas played a huge part in helping find my dream job! Highly recommend.”

“Great deal.If you’re looking to move forward in your career, Human Workplace’s guidance is your best resource!”

“Liz Ryan taught me how to get a job the new-millennium way. Thank you Liz!”


If you WANT or NEED a new job in 2021, get your Job Search MEGA Collection and get your job search moving!

Whether you want new ideas for your job search or want to step out of the traditional “spray and pray” job search approach that relies on completing dozens of online job applications only to wait in silence for weeks — this collection is for you!

This MEGA collection includes:

1. The downloadable eBook Put A Human Voice In Your Resume Summary

2. The downloadable eBook How To Write A Pain Letter

3. The downloadable eBook Tapping The Hidden Job Market

4. The downloadable eBook Stop! Don’t Send That Resume

5. The downloadable eBook Break All The Rules And Get Your Dream Job

6. The downloadable eBook Before And After Human-Voiced Resume Example

7. The downloadable course Humanize Your Resume